Tuesday 4 January 2011

Just Like Wii Board it's all in the Balance

I consider myself many things however risky is NOT one of them! I love that quote, its one of those quotes that would (or should) inspire me to adhere to its content!
I should seize the day, risk everything to have a more eventful life, to never be content on the here and now but aspire to be more than anything I ever believed I could be. I mean why play it safe right??? Wrong, I'd love to play it safe, to have the certainty that I can be happy tomorrow or the next day or next month. I agree with the quote taking risks is part of life, but I see them more as opportunities. I mean there is no point hanging off a cliff because you MIGHT land on a bed of roses, when the risk is that obvious it’s just not worth taking!
I suppose I sound very pessimistic and not the best way to start off a first blog. I am in fact on optimist to the end no matter how much crap (I’ve had my fair share in my short years) is thrown my may I can always deflect it right back off! The truth is however, that no matter how much shit you manage to brush off that little bit will always stick!
And it's these little bits of shit sticking to me (kind of wish id used a different metaphor now) that gives me balance in life, and I wanted to document this see-saw of emotions, situations, decision and outcomes that have and continue to shape my life. As the title suggests I am an Over thinking. I digest everything down the last detail and I always have. 
When returning to my Gower home recently I stumbled across a box of things I had put aside when I packed up for Uni. Obviously not important to make to cut into my student halls but too special to throw away or leave to be destroyed by my, then over active 11 year old sister. Amongst photos and broken jewellery, birthday cards and theatre stubs, I found pages and pages of notes and drawings, my endless attempt at keeping some sort of diary I guess. If I think back I was always writing down my day dreams, probably praying that if I documented them ...they just might come true!
I shocked me at how few there actually were a flash back of traditional Sunday night bonfires my dad used to have solved my puzzle. These are the only solid proof I have that I was a happy normal child....my family are unique to say the least, you will discover that as the blog progresses. Through all this shit getting thrown my way, the clichéd troubled childhood I had clinged to for defining me all these years; I was a normal playful child with hopes and dreams. At no older that 5 or 6 I was coming up with my own ideas of why we were living on this planet......okay maybe I wouldn't have won a Pulitzer for my discoveries, I mean the belief that the world was the first stage of an audition for a new Musical planet there were pioneering is above more peoples grasp of understanding. But it was there in those scrapings that I discovered what had really shaped and defined me.... my imagination.
So sit back, grab yourself a ginger beer float and dissolve yourself in the life and times of Angharad John, from day to day ramblings and over thinking’s to snip bits of the past ( revving up the scanner),  however insignificant she may be to the world, She is the pretty darn important to herself!